Monday, December 15, 2008

So, I forget, sometimes

Okay, so here's my first Blogger post. Not my first blog, but blogger treats you more like family when you want to comment on another Blogger poster's blog, if you also have a Blogger blog. I may just keep it for a personal blog. Y'know, no theme, stream of consciousness posts, on whatever catches my fancy at the moment.

I do the same thing with MySpace and Facebook whenever I want to leave a comment on a friend's page. Since I usually forget the user name and/or password, I generally start a new account 'cause it's easier than going through the password/user name retrieval routine.

At least Blogger is tied into my Google account. Less chance for me to forget the important stuff, like my user name. It's--uh-- Aw, nuts!! Well, I just may start another Blogger account.

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